What are the different Seller Plan subscriptions?

We offer three types of Seller Plan monthly subscriptions: Starter, Standard and Professional.


45% commission


40% commission


40% commission

Monthly charge Free £4* / €4.17 / $5 £10* / €10 /$12
Number of listed artworks Up to 30 artworks Unlimited Unlimited
Number of artworks with limited edition prints Up to 5 artworks Up to 10 artworks Unlimited
Number of tags used for search Up to 5 tags Up to 10 tags Up to 15 tags
Discount on promotional packages 
10% off 25% off
Reach a global audience  Yes Yes Yes
Post updates from your studio  Yes Yes Yes
Access basic page view analytics  Yes Yes Yes
Easily clone artworks  Yes Yes Yes
See recently sold artworks  Yes Yes Yes
Access advanced page view analytics 
Yes Yes
Generate in-context images 
Yes Yes
See who's loved your artwork
Yes Yes
Add videos to your artwork listings

Schedule artworks to be published in the future

Access artwork performance report

See platform sale trends

See who's viewed your shop 


* Plan price with this symbol includes VAT for sellers based in the UK. 

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