How can I charge additional shipping/framing costs to my customer?

Additional shipping charges

We understand that there may be occasions where customers reach out and request a more expensive or express shipping option, than the one offered in artist’s shipping tables.

The customer has not yet placed an order:

You will need to update your shipping tables to reflect the higher cost of shipping. This can be done by going to your Seller Dashboard > Settings > Shipping prices - click Manage > Either edit an existing shipping profile or create a new one to reflect the higher price for the artwork.

The customer has placed an order:

We are unable to charge customers additional shipping costs in cases where the cost of shipping is higher than the estimated cost in your shipping tables.

In such cases, you will need to proceed with shipping the order as is, and covering the additional cost. You may wish to review couriers and find other courier options. If you need our assistance with a specific order, please contact our Support & Operations Team on

Please kindly ensure that you are regularly reviewing your shipping tables, and getting quotes from couriers for your main shipping destinations to ensure that these are as accurate as possible.

We also understand that there may be occasions where you have overcharged shipping to your customer. In cases such as these, you are able to refund overcharges directly from your Sellers Portal. For further information on how to do so, please see our Knowledge Base article here.

Additional framing charges

If a customer reaches out to you via the Artfinder messaging system advising that they are interested in having a piece framed, and you are able to fulfil this request we would recommend that you do the following.

The customer has not yet placed an order:

Update your shipping tables to reflect the additional cost of framing the artwork. This can be done by going to your Seller Dashboard > Settings > Shipping prices - click Manage > Either edit an existing shipping profile or create a new one.

The customer has already placed an order:

It is not possible for any additional payments to be made once an order has been placed. In such cases, the order would need to be fulfilled unframed as per the customer's original order. Alternatively, the order can be cancelled, and the customer will then be able to place a new order with the framing costs added to the shipping table as per the above.

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